Inaugural event ACQF-II: 11-13 July 2023, headquarters of the African Union, Addis

The project ACQF-II supports implementation of the main areas of activity defined in the ACQF Policy Document (final version of 17 November 2022, section 3.4), thereby establishing the basis for sustainable and effective functioning of the ACQF as a policy instrument. The project ACQF-II builds on the policy and technical basis developed by the first phase of the ACQF project (2019-2022). The event is hybrid and multilingual (English-French-Portuguese).
  • Inaugural event ACQF-II: 11-13 July 2023, headquarters of the African Union, Addis
  • 2023-07-11T09:30:00+00:00
  • 2023-07-13T16:30:00+00:00
  • The project ACQF-II supports implementation of the main areas of activity defined in the ACQF Policy Document (final version of 17 November 2022, section 3.4), thereby establishing the basis for sustainable and effective functioning of the ACQF as a policy instrument. The project ACQF-II builds on the policy and technical basis developed by the first phase of the ACQF project (2019-2022). The event is hybrid and multilingual (English-French-Portuguese).

Dates of the event: 11 to 13 July 2023

Medium Conference Hall - African Union Headquarters


  • East Africa time: 09.30-16.30
  • Universal time: 06.30-13.30

On 11 July, the meeting aims to complete the process of development of the ACQF, sanctioned by the validation of the ACQF Policy Document by the African Union member states, and to launch the ACQF implementation phase. The ACQF Policy Document can be viewed and downloaded from the section "Materials" of this page.

On 12 and 13 July the workshop celebrates the new phase of the ACQF, oriented to implementation and to support the African countries and regions on matters related with their National Qualifications Frameworks and related policies and instruments, e.g., Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Credit Transfer Systems, development and management of qualifications through digital registers, communication and awareness raising, capacity development, monitoring and evaluation. The new project (ACQF-II) supports implementation of the ACQF Policy Document (2023-2026).

Expected Outcomes

  1. The African Union Commission, the African Union member states and the Regional Economic Communities have developed the ACQF Policy Document, and pledge to jointly implement, nurture and monitor the ACQF with support of the relevant African stakeholders and the international partners in the period 2023-2026 and beyond. The ACQF Policy Document embodies the aspirations of the African Union member states, the regional economic communities, and the AU Commission.
  2. Present the roadmap for the implementation of ACQF in its Phase II.
  3. Mutual learning between countries and regions on NQFs’ development and implementation: carry on the tradition of peer learning established by the ACQF-I.

The project ACQF-II is funded by the European Union is managed by the European Training Foundation, working in partnership with the African Union Commission, the countries and regional economic communities, and other stakeholders (social partners, youth, African organisations and commissions in education and training, recognition of qualifications, and quality assurance).


Day 1: 11 July 2023 – Validation of ACQF Policy Document

Time (East African time)



8:30 am

Transfer from hotel to AUC premises


9:30 am




Session 1

Opening Session:

Welcome remarks (5 mins) –

  • European Union Delegation to the African Union
  • European Training Foundation

Opening statement (15 mins)

  • H.E. Prof Mohamed Belhocine, Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation

Mr Hambani Masheleni – Ag director, AUC ESTI


10:30 -11:00

Tea Break and Group Photo


Session 2

Chair and opening presentation: Prof Maria Luisa Chicote

Presentation: ACQF Policy Document

Panel discussion:

2 Representatives of Member States within the AG; 2 Representatives of RECs within the AG; Representative of All Africa Students’ Union

Discussion with participants

ACQF Advisory Group




13:00- 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00- 15:30

Session 3

Structured discussion: Member States, RECs and stakeholders present their comments on the ACQF Policy Document.

Panel: 5 representatives of AU Member States and regional qualifications frameworks, Association of African Universities (AAU)

Free discussion and comments


ACQF experts




Tea Break



Session 4

Information and overview on ACQF implementation in 2023-2026


ACQF expert


Summary. Next steps. Closure



DAY 2: 12 July 2023 – Launch of ACQF-II project




8:30 am

Transfer from hotel to AUC premises



Session 5

Opening Session:

Welcome remarks (5 mins) –

  • European Union Delegation to the African Union
  • Coordination of the ACQF-II Project (ETF)

Opening statement (15 mins)

  • H.E. Prof Mohamed Belhocine, Commissioner for Education, Science, Technology and Innovation

Mr Hambani Masheleni – Ag Director, AUC ESTI


10:00 -10:15

Tea Break and Group Photo


Session 6


Policy context of ACQF. Agenda of the inaugural workshop. Welcome to all participants.

AUC Education for Division


Session 7

ACQF-II project: supporting implementation of ACQF. Planned outputs and activities

ACQF-II expert coordinator

11:15- 11:30



Session 8

Dynamics of NQFs in Africa (part I). Peer-sharing session.

6 cases: new NQFs in development and consultation; NQF adopted and implementation started (Angola, Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Sierra Leone).

Countries representatives


Lunch Break



Session 9

Dynamics of NQFs in Africa (part II). Peer-sharing session.

6 cases: NQF in advanced implementation: new initiatives, review, and adaptation to new demands. Cape Verde, Kenya, Mauritius, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia.

Countries representatives


Session 10

ACQF Qualifications Platform. Relevant experiences. Overview, general proposal. Discussion.

ACQF expert team


15:30 – 16:00

Tea Break


16:00 – 16:45

Session 11

Capacity development programme. Overview, plan. Discussion

ACQF expert team


Wrap-up. Closure

AUC Education Division

Day 3: 13 July 2023 – Launch of ACQF-II project (continuation)




8:30 am

Transfer from hotel to AUC premises



Opening. Overview of the agenda.

AUC Education Division

09:45 -10:45

Session 12

Support to countries’ NQF developments and implementation. Overview, plans. Discussion

ACQF expert team

10:45 -11:00

Tea Break


Session 13

RPL campaign. Overview, plans.

ACQF expert team

11:30- 11:45


11:45- 12:00

Session 14

Wrap-up, next steps. Final conclusions.

AUC Education Division


Lunch Break


Meeting of ACQF Advisory Group


Session 15

Opening, welcome to participants

AUC ESTI Division for Education


Session 16

Role, activities of ACQF Advisory Group. Chair and co-chair.

AUC, Advisory Group members.

13:45 – 14:30

Session 17

Governance of ACQF – new perspectives. Towards a network of African NQFs

AUC, Advisory Group members. ACQF experts

14:30 – 15:15

Session 18

Referencing NQF-ACQF. Overview, plan. Discussion

AUC, Advisory Group members. ACQF experts

15:15 – 15:30

Tea break


15:30 – 16:00

Session 19

Communication, advocacy.

AUC. ACQF expert team

16:00 – 16:15

Session 20




Session 21

Summary of main conclusions, next steps. Closure

AUC ESTI – Division for Education. Co-chair of ACQF AG.


Closing Diner:

Yod Abyssinia Cultural Centre – Bole (Addis)