
Referencing to ACQF

Referencing is the first of 7 seven areas of activity of ACQF. Referencing is essential for comparison, transparency, mutual understanding between frameworks, to facilitate recognition and fair mobility of people. As a meta- and referencing qualifications framework for the African continent, the ACQF aims at connecting the national (and regional) qualifications frameworks of the community of African Union (AU) member states. This core function is based on the process of referencing national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) or systems to the ACQF, following agreed criteria and procedures and peer review by the member countries.

NQF Inventory

Snapshots of key features of National and Regional Qualifications Frameworks in Africa: the NQF institutions and main policy and legal documents, RPL policies and practices, national registers of qualifications, the qualifications map and the full overview of level descriptors. An easy-to-use tool of the ACQF for all countries. Help the ACQF project keep the Snapshots up-to-date! Knowledge circulation between African NQFs contributes to mutual understanding, transparency and comparability.

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Surveys ACQF-II: NQF, RPL, Micro-credentials

Results of the surveys on NQF, RPL and Micro-credentials conducted in 2023-2024
Survey of National Qualifications Frameworks in Africa: analytical report Survey of National Qualifications Frameworks in Africa: analytical report

The first NQF survey conducted by ACQF-II is an update to the in-depth mapping study which launched the activities of ACQF-I in 2020, with a coverage of 14 countries and 3 regions. The new survey (2024) received 51 complete responses, from 29 countries and gathered useful and diverse information on a wide range of features of NQFs, including objectives, levels, use of learning outcomes, governance and related policies.

Policy & Guidelines

Policy and strategic documents developed by the ACQF project. Information on ACQF Advisory Group consultation and other meetings. All major African Union policies and strategies underpinning the ACQF.
ACQF Policy Document - upon validation by AU Member States (EN, FR, PT) ACQF Policy Document - upon validation by AU Member States (EN, FR, PT)

This ACQF Policy document was validated by the African Union Member States at the Addis Conference of 11-13 July 2023. The ACQF Policy Document defines the vision, policy objectives and main technical features of the ACQF, outlines the set of ACQF implementation modalities and instruments, and is accompanied by technical annexes, which form an integral part of the document. The ten ACQF Guidelines and related Training Modules support this policy document by defining technical and methodological foundations for implementation and dissemination by the competent entities. A synthesised version of the ten Guidelines is accessible as a separate document in form of a short ACQF Handbook .

ACQF Guidelines ACQF Guidelines

10 Guidelines and Training Modules to support countries, regions and AUC implementing the ACQF. Themes of the 10 ACQF Guidelines: learning outcomes approaches, defining NQF levels, referencing between NQFs and ACQF, validation of learning (RPL, credit systems, recognition of qualifications), quality assurance of qualifications, registration and registers of qualifications, monitoring and evaluation of NQFs, communication, innovation and technology in qualifications frameworks. The 10th Guideline will be a companion for all countries in Africa starting their national reflection and roadmaps towards NQFs with a systemic vision.

Brief ACQF Handbook Brief ACQF Handbook

The ACQF is conceived as a policy and instrument of continental scope to deliver on the objectives of enhanced transparency and comparability of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks and systems for lifelong learning in Africa. The ACQF is defined as an overarching reference qualifications framework of ten levels, serving as a translation device between different qualifications frameworks or systems and their levels.

Feasibility Study Feasibility Study

This report analyses the rationale for the ACQF for the continent, provides a synthesis of the panorama of qualifications and qualifications frameworks in Africa, proposes the three scenarios for ACQF and a plan of outputs until 2025.

Mapping Study

The initial phase of the ACQF Mapping Study (2020-2021) is collection of 13 country reports, 3 regional reports and a comprehensive continental analysis of the state-of-play and main perspectives of qualifications frameworks and systems in Africa. The Mapping study built on data and information collected via the ACQF online survey, technical visits to 10 countries and 3 regions, one consultation webinar and 7 peer learning webinars. The continental report is available in 3 formats: comprehensive, synthesis and a snapshot infographic. In 2021 four country mapping study reports have been updated, to reflect important developments in NQF policies and structures. In 2022 two additional reports were added: Guiné-Bissau baseline mapping report and African School Curriculum Mapping Study.
School Curriculum Mapping Report. Mapping curriculum frameworks and practices in Africa: creating baseline evidence (2022) School Curriculum Mapping Report. Mapping curriculum frameworks and practices in Africa: creating baseline evidence (2022)

This report presents the findings of a curriculum mapping survey administered on behalf of the African Union Commission (AUC) and the African Curriculum Association (ACA), and is a contribution to the Continental Education Strategy for African (CESA) Curriculum Cluster. The project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework” is a key partner of this initiative, having closely collaborated from the first ideas with ACA to conceive the approach and plan, organise and support implementation of the study. The survey covered school education and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Some aspects of early childhood care development and education (ECCDE) were also taken into account.

School Curriculum Mapping Report - Synthesis report. EN (2022)

This synthesis report supplements the main report of the continent-wide curriculum mapping study. The study covered school education and technical and vocational education and training (TVET). Some aspects of early childhood care development and education (ECCDE) were also taken into account.

ACQF Mapping Report - synthesis

Synthesis of the comprehensive ACQF mapping report, focused on the findings of the analysis of NQF and RQF - African cases and experiences (2020).

Recognition of Prior Learning

People learn anytime, everywhere. Outcomes of prior learning in all contexts of life can be validated, recognised, certified to give people wings to new perspectives and opportunities in education and training, employment, entrepreneurship, better jobs, social inclusion. Across the world, countries and regional communities increasingly recognise the value of non-formal and informal learning and many are establishing systems to acknowledge competencies gained through non-formal and informal modalities. This Report on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) / Validation of Competences gives an overview on RPL, viewed as component of national qualifications systems. Ten examples from African countries presented in this brief show some diversity in terms of scope, and design of RPL / Validation systems, but also several common traits: Angola, Cape Verde, Kenya, Lesotho, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Seychelles, South Africa, and Zambia.
ACQF supports knowledge-sharing on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) ACQF supports knowledge-sharing on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Learning acquired in all contexts is valuable for the individuals, society, labour market and economic development. RPL / VAE / RVCC are the policy instruments enabling the parity of esteem of learning acquired throughout life in different contexts and modalities beyond formal schooling. The ACQF Model of Qualifications Frameworks in a systemic view comprises links to RPL, as essential component of the wider qualifications system.


ACQF supports debate and information-sharing on Micro-credentials: concepts, policies, experiences ACQF supports debate and information-sharing on Micro-credentials: concepts, policies, experiences

ACQF is an overarching qualifications framework of the community of countries of the African Union. One of its three essential principles is Innovation (future-proof framework, open to new demands and developments of skills and qualifications). From this perspective ACQF is ready to support debate and initiatives enabling the clarification of novel concepts and practices related with the transformation of learning and certification. View the ACQF Thematic Brief 13 on Micro-Credentials.

ACQF Research

ACQF Research in new related areas: school curriculum, NQF networks, AfCFTA-ACQF Links and other themes. Reports in development.

School Curriculum Mapping

The AU CESA Cluster "Curriculum" and African Curriculum Association (ACA) took the initiative to map school curriculum in Africa. ACQF project supports the initiative, providing the technical expertise for the analysis and organisation of stakeholders dialogue. Launch webinar took place on 04/05/2021, gathered approx. 70 participants from a wide range of countries. The final report is published.
School Curriculum Mapping Report. Mapping curriculum frameworks and practices in Africa: creating baseline evidence (2022) School Curriculum Mapping Report. Mapping curriculum frameworks and practices in Africa: creating baseline evidence (2022)

The comprehensive report of the School Curriculum Mapping Survey provides a contribution to CESA Curriculum Cluster, and builds on data and information collected via a continental survey, interviews with key informants and documentary research. The African Curriculum Association is the main initiator of the study, carried out in collaboration with the ACQF project. Research team: JET Education Services.


References to guide your discovery: A selection of publications on relevant themes and discussions related with qualifications management and systems from different recognised international sources - Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), Cedefop, European Training Foundation (ETF), European Union, UNESCO and national qualifications authorities. All sources acknowledged.