13th Peer Learning Webinar - focus on Recognition of Prior Learning

The project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)” continues the series of peer learning webinars in 2022. This new series focuses on developments and practices in the domain of Recognition of Prior Learning / Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience / Reconhecimento validação e certificação de competências (Reconhecimento de competências adquiridas). Cases shared: a) ACQF Guideline of Validation of Learning; b) European Union - 10 years of experience of Validation of Non-Formal and Non-Formal Learning; c) African country experience: Cape Verde - new developments and practical application.
  • 13th Peer Learning Webinar - focus on Recognition of Prior Learning
  • 2022-02-18T10:00:00+00:00
  • 2022-02-18T12:30:00+00:00
  • The project “Developing the African Continental Qualifications Framework (ACQF)” continues the series of peer learning webinars in 2022. This new series focuses on developments and practices in the domain of Recognition of Prior Learning / Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience / Reconhecimento validação e certificação de competências (Reconhecimento de competências adquiridas). Cases shared: a) ACQF Guideline of Validation of Learning; b) European Union - 10 years of experience of Validation of Non-Formal and Non-Formal Learning; c) African country experience: Cape Verde - new developments and practical application.
  • When Feb 18, 2022 from 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Online
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Webinar 1: 18/02/2022 (10.00-12.30 GMT)

Read ACQF report - Lisez le rapport - Consulte o relatório: Recognition of Prior Learning and 10 African cases.

Cases presented:

1) ACQF Guideline on Validation of Learning (chapter on RPL) – presentation of draft text. Speaker: Modest Hamalabbi.

2) European Union – 10 years of Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning: lessons and way forward. Speaker: Ernesto Villalba-Garcia (Cedefop)

3) African country experiences: Cape Verde – new developments and practical application of RPL. Speaker: Amílcar Mendes (UC-SNQ)

4) Discussion, poll and recommendations.

  • Zoom access link. Meeting ID: 858 8891 7992. Passcode: 606110

Webinaire 1 : 18/02/2022 (10.00-12.30 GMT)

Programme :

1) Lignes Directrices de l’ACQF sur la validation de l’apprentissage – présentation de du projet de texte. Par: Modest Hamalabbi.

2) Union européenne – 10 ans de validation de l’apprentissage non formel et informel: leçons tirées et nouvelles perspectives. Par: Ernesto Villalba-Garcia (Cedefop)

3) Cap-Vert : nouveaux développements et application de la VAE. Par: Amílcar Mendes (UC-SNQ)

4) Discussion, sondage et recommandations.

  • Zoom access link. Meeting ID: 858 8891 7992. Passcode: 606110

Webinar 1: 18/02/2022 (10.00-12.30 GMT)


1) Orientação do ACQF sobre Validação de Aprendizagem – apresentação da proposta. Por: Modest Hamalabbi.

2) União Europeia – 10 anos de Validação da Aprendizagem Não Formal e Informal: lições e novas perspetivas. Por: Ernesto Villalba-Garcia (Cedefop)

3) Cabo Verde: novos desenvolvimentos e aplicação do RVCC. Por: Amílcar Mendes (UC-SNQ)

4) Discussão, sondagem e recomendações.

  • Zoom access link. Meeting ID: 858 8891 7992. Passcode: 606110

Agenda / programme / programa


1) Introduction on the series of RPL webinars. Speaker: Eduarda Castel-Branco

2) ACQF Guideline on Validation of Learning (chapter on RPL) – presentation of draft text. Speaker: Modest Hamalabbi.

3) European Union – 10 years of Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning: lessons and way forward. Speaker: Ernesto Villalba-Garcia (Cedefop)

4) African country experiences: Cape Verde – new developments and practical application of RPL. Speaker: Amílcar Mendes (UC-SNQ)

5) Discussion, poll and recommendations.


Programme :

1) Introduction sur la série de wébinaires VAE. Speaker: Eduarda Castel-Branco

2) Lignes Directrices de l’ACQF sur la validation de l’apprentissage – présentation de du projet de texte. Par: Modest Hamalabbi.

3) Union européenne – 10 ans de validation de l’apprentissage non formel et informel: leçons tirées et nouvelles perspectives. Par: Ernesto Villalba-Garcia (Cedefop)

4) Cap-Vert : nouveaux développements et application de la VAE. Par: Amílcar Mendes (UC-SNQ)

5) Discussion, sondage et recommandations.



1) Introdução à série de Webinars sobre RVCC / RCA. Por: Eduarda Castel-Branco

2) Orientação do ACQF sobre Validação de Aprendizagem – apresentação da proposta. Por: Modest Hamalabbi.

3) União Europeia – 10 anos de Validação da Aprendizagem Não Formal e Informal: lições e novas perspetivas. Por: Ernesto Villalba-Garcia (Cedefop)

4) Cabo Verde: novos desenvolvimentos e aplicação do RVCC. Por: Amílcar Mendes (UC-SNQ)

5) Discussão, sondagem e recomendações.