2nd Training Week 5-9 September 2022: Skills, Qualifications and Frameworks for Mutual Trust in a Changing World

The second ACQF training week takes place in Johannesburg - South Africa, as a hybrid event. Participants will interact with world class speakers, share their experiences, and engage in practical and hands-on sessions to develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills on a range of issues related with the conditions and enablers of transparency of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks in a changing world. Themes of the training programme: national and regional qualifications frameworks, quality assurance, digitalisation and development of qualifications, recognition of learning and qualifications, online registers of qualifications, novel approaches to labour market intelligence, monitoring and evaluation, and referencing to ACQF.
  • 2nd Training Week 5-9 September 2022: Skills, Qualifications and Frameworks for Mutual Trust in a Changing World
  • 2022-09-05T10:00:00+00:00
  • 2022-09-09T16:15:00+00:00
  • The second ACQF training week takes place in Johannesburg - South Africa, as a hybrid event. Participants will interact with world class speakers, share their experiences, and engage in practical and hands-on sessions to develop and strengthen their knowledge and skills on a range of issues related with the conditions and enablers of transparency of qualifications and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks in a changing world. Themes of the training programme: national and regional qualifications frameworks, quality assurance, digitalisation and development of qualifications, recognition of learning and qualifications, online registers of qualifications, novel approaches to labour market intelligence, monitoring and evaluation, and referencing to ACQF.
  • When Sep 05, 2022 10:00 AM to Sep 09, 2022 04:15 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Radisson Blu Sandton - Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

2nd ACQF Training week 5-9 September 2022 – Hybrid event (EN-FR-PT)

Hotel Radisson Blu Sandton - Johannesburg (South Africa)

DRAFT Agenda (V5, 22/08/2022)

Theme: “Skills, qualifications and frameworks for mutual trust in a changing world

Get the Training Modules and Presentations accessible at ACQF Capacity Development webpage (EN, FR, PT).

Visit the webpage of the 1st ACQF training week (18-22/April 2022) for more information on the outputs and training materials.




05 Sept

06 Sept

07 Sept

08 Sept

09 Sept

Main themes

NQF-systemic view. Build, compare NQFs.

Qualifications development. Learning outcomes. Labour market information

Validation and recognition of learning: RPL, CAT, register.

Quality assurance. Study visit to SAQA

M&E. Referencing to ACQF


S1: Opening, context.

African Union Commission

S8: Agenda of the day. Q&A


S14: Agenda of the day. Q&A

S21: Agenda of the day. Q&A

S26: Agenda of the day. Q&A



S2: Welcome speech: CEO South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA)

S9: Ethiopia: update on the NQF.

(Education and Training Authority, D. Woldemariam)

S15: IGAD Regional Qualifications Framework: update on the process and goals

(IGAD, S. Abdulle, K. Tsegaye)

S22: Cape Verde: recognition of qualifications in a digital world.

(ARES, P. Leite, A. Landim)

S27: Register of qualifications of Botswana - a fast development.

(Botswana Qualifications Authority, S. Mupundu)


S3: Introduction participants.

Agenda, working methods.

S10: Level descriptors, learning outcomes. Concepts, application, development). ACQF Guidelines 1 and 2.

S16: Recognition of qualifications.

Addis Convention.

S23: Quality assurance: ASG-QA


S28: Monitoring and Evaluation in the context of NQF / ACQF. ACQF Guideline 7.



S4: Overview, main concepts, issues, policies. ACQF. Skills, occupations, qualifications.

(E. Castel-Branco)

(C. Jaftha)

Global Convention

(UNESCO, A. Salifou)

(IUCEA, Prof. M. Mawa)

(JET Education Services. R. Pursell-Gotz)


S5: Qualifications and NQF - systemic view. Global trends. ACQF Guideline 10.

(A. Bateman, E. Castel-Branco)



S11: Digitalisation in action.

European Digital Credentials for Learning (ECDL) - European Commission, DG EMPL. K. Nomden

Case study: Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA) launches E-Certificate.

S17: RPL: policy, methods, application. ACQF Guideline 4.

(F. Cheelo)

Case study: Cameroon (Ministry of labour and vocational training, M. Bonongo)

S24: Quality assurance: system, internal, external. Linkages to NQF. ACQF Guideline 5.

(A. Bateman)

S29: Referencing NQF-ACQF. Guideline 3.

(C. Jaftha, E. Castel-Branco)









S6: Building and governing the NQF

(O. Correia, E. J. Mukhwana)

S12: Development of qualifications. Practical guidance.

(O. Correia)


S18: CATS: concepts, policy, applications, challenges. Guideline 4

(J. Mwewa)

Case study: Kenya CATS (KNQA, E.J Mukhwana)

S25: 13.30-15.30.

South African Qualifications Authority. The NQF, governance and registers.

(SAQA representatives)

S30: Referencing self-assessment in groups (criteria 1, 2, 3, 4).

Understanding the criteria and practical application.


S6 (continued): Group exercise.


S12 (continued): Practical exercises in groups

S19: Digital registers of qualifications. Guideline 6.

(E. Castel-Branco)


S31: Presentations - groups



S7: analysis and comparison of qualifications and NQFs. The EQF experience.

(Cedefop, J.Bjornavold)

S13: Skills, qualifications and labour market information: innovative data and methods. Cases & examples.

(Lightcast, M. Pelucchi)

S20: ESCO: practical uses in skills and qualifications.

(ESCO-Support team, L. Visan)


Peer review and discussion on results of self-assessment


Q&A, poll


Open session: countries’ NQF news.

Q&A, Poll

Coffee break

S32: Final evaluation. Conclusions. Closure
