Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning

Individuals, societies, economic systems, countries and regions need more and better skills and qualifications for the green and digital transition, for equal opportunities, better jobs, resilience and democracy. Refresh and upgrade your knowledge on qualifications frameworks and systems. Learn on new and digital tools supporting modernisation of qualifications and the response of qualifications frameworks and systems to the transformation of learning and work. Be part of an inspiring learning journey with many other African and international participants.
  • Training Programme: Skills and qualifications - towards better frameworks and systems for people's lifelong learning
  • 2022-04-18T09:00:00+00:00
  • 2022-04-22T13:30:00+00:00
  • Individuals, societies, economic systems, countries and regions need more and better skills and qualifications for the green and digital transition, for equal opportunities, better jobs, resilience and democracy. Refresh and upgrade your knowledge on qualifications frameworks and systems. Learn on new and digital tools supporting modernisation of qualifications and the response of qualifications frameworks and systems to the transformation of learning and work. Be part of an inspiring learning journey with many other African and international participants.
  • When Apr 18, 2022 09:00 AM to Apr 22, 2022 01:30 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Online
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Skills and Qualifications – towards better frameworks and systems

For your reading and download: the 10 Training Modules in English, French and Portuguese

And also the 21 presentations of this 5 days programme.

Online Learning Programme (5 days)

Period: from 18 to 22 April 2022 - Time: 09.00-13.30 GMT

A new, hands-on, learning journey for qualifications and skills practitioners, staff of ministries and qualifications agencies, representatives of the world of work, expertsThis practical course with 22 learning hours is for you!

The main objective is to help participants refresh and upgrade knowledge and understanding of concepts, practices, and new developments in the domain of qualifications frameworks and systems and contribute to

  • Create a pool of trained professionals and to support countries developing their National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs)

The programme delivery combines presentations on the key themes, demonstration of innovative tools for qualifications management, sessions with guest experts, consolidation and assessment via individual and group work, and lively discussion spaces for sharing and co-construction. The trainers’ team is composed of experienced specialists and practitioners in NQF and qualifications development.

Contact: Eduarda Castel-Branco,


Concise draft agenda of the Training programme

Agenda Training Programme 18-22 April 2022 (draft 15/Feb 2022)

Time: GMT

Day 1: Introduction, NQF - systemic view

Day 2: NQF - deeper view

Day 3: RPL, Credit accumulation transfer; databases qualifications

Day 4: Innovation & technology, M&E



Session 1: Opening, objectives, acquaintance

S6: Recap Day 1. Questions - poll (DK, KA)

S10: Recap Day 2. Questions - poll (2 trainees)

S15: Recap day 3. Questions - poll (2 trainees)

S19: Recap day 4. Questions - poll (2 trainees)


S2: Training Agenda, themes, learning path, methods

S7: Development of qualifications. Cases. (TM10, AB)

S11: Validation of learning - RPL (TM4, ZAQA)

S16: innovation & technology - rationale, benefits, screening, requirements, embedding. Micro-credentials and digital credentals. Applications in NQFs. (TM9, JET)

S20: ACQF - level descriptors (TM2, CJ)


S3: ACQF - metaframework. Policy, tools, guidelines (ecb, ejm)

Consolidation: TM10

S11: RPL in practice. Cases. (Kenya, EU) - TM4

Guest expert: Micro-credentials (15 min)

S21: Referencing to ACQF (TM3, CJ)


S4: NQF - a systemic view (G10, AB)

S8: Learning outcomes approach. TM1. CJ

S11: Validation of learning - Credit accumulation & transfer (CAT) (TM4-ZAQA)


S22: ACQF - communication and outreach (TM8, CJ)


Short break

Short break

Short break

Short break

Short break

S4: NQF - systemic view. NQFs in practice. NQF governance. Cases. Consolidation

S8: Learning outcomes approach. Level descriptors. Applications. TM1-2. CJ

S12: Registration of qualifications in NQF. African cases (TM6, ZAQA)

S17: M&E tool ACQF (TM7, JET)

S23: Presentations and application by trainees (4-5 persons)

Total: 105 min

Consolidation TM1-2

S13: Quality assurance - NQFs (TM5)


S24 Green and digital transitions - implications for learning, qualifications, ACQF (ECB)


S5: Occupations, skills, qualifications. Overview Global Inventory NQFs 2021 (ecb)

S9: Discussion: linking the dots. Poll - main issues


S14: International cases DB qualifications – Credential Engine (US)

S18: Discussion: linking the dots. Poll - main issues

S25: Final Q&A. Poll




12.45-13.30 (Continued)

S14: International cases DB qualifications – Credential Engine (US)


S28: Final outcomes of training. Feedback. Conclusion. Closure.