Towards Eswatini RPL Policy and Guidelines: RPL training workshop

This workshop is co-organised by Eswatini Qualifications Authority (EQA) and the ACQF-II project. It gathers representatives from public institutions, education and training community, professional bodies and social partners. The workshop is part of the technical visit to Eswatini, focused on identification and discussion of major features of the future RPL Policy and Guidelines.
  • When Sep 27, 2023 from 09:30 AM to 05:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Hilton Garden Inn, Mbabane - Eswatini
  • Contact Name
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Objective of the RPL training workshop: update knowledge and stimulate reflection on Recognition of Prior Learning as a key policy for lifelong learning, employability, enterprise skills and growth and social inclusion. The workshop combines substantive thematic presentations with participants’ interactive contributions. A final panel debate will gather participants’ views and recommendations pertinent for the future Eswatini RPL Policy.

View the Agenda and the presentation.



Towards Eswatini RPL Policy

Training workshop on RPL


Venue: Hilton Garden Inn hotel, Mhlambanyatsi Road I Mbabane H100

Objective of the training workshop: update knowledge and stimulate reflection on Recognition of Prior Learning as a key policy for lifelong learning, employability, enterprise skills and growth and social inclusion. The workshop combines substantive thematic presentations with participants’ interactive contributions. A final panel debate will gather participants’ views and recommendations pertinent for the future Eswatini RPL Policy.

Chair and moderator: Eswatini Qualifications Authority (EQA)

Agenda of the workshop

  • 30-09.40: Welcome and opening: EQA Director; ACQF-II coordinator (from Zoom)
  • 40-09.55: Introduction of the participants (15 min)
  • 55-10.05: Session 1: ACQF-II project and RPL: quick overview (10 min). Speaker: Project coordinator (from Zoom)
  • 05-10.50: Session 2: A broad overview of RPL, from key concepts, principles and instruments - to people and benefits at different levels of society and economy. RPL as major element of lifelong learning, employability and social inclusion policies.

Speaker: Patrick Werquin

Please refer to ACQF Guidelines and website resource and previous work, to 2023 European Guidelines on VNFIL, to SADC regional Guidelines on RPL, and other relevant sources).

  • 50-11.05: Q&A (15 min).

Facilitator: Patrick Werquin

  • 05-11.35: Session 3: RPL policies and practices: examples from Africa.

Speaker: Patrick Werquin

Please use examples from ACQF website resource + others.

  • 35-11.55: Coffee break
  • 55-12.30: Session 4: A closer look at key aspects of RPL - the RPL process. Different models, but a lot in commun.

Speaker: Patrick Werquin

(There are good materials on this matter in ACQF Capacity Development webpage (in Training Modules and Presentations).

  • 30-13.15: Session 5: discussion / debate. 

Questions for 2-3 working groups: 

  1. What are the most important benefits from RPL for Eswatini (for: the people; government policies; economy, employers and workers; for the NQF and education and training system); 
  2. What enabling conditions does the country have already towards a vibrant RPL system and practice? What else should be done, changed, enhanced?
  • 15-13.30: brief summary of the conclusions from the session 5. Presented by the participants.
  • 30-14.30: lunch break
  • 30-15.15: Session 6: A 2nd closer look at key aspects of RPL - the standards. Types of standards and their use in the RPL process.

Speaker: Patrick Werquin

  • 15-15.50: Session 7: A 3rdcloser look at key aspects of RPL - quality assurance, credibility and transparency.

Speaker: Patrick Werquin

  • 50-16.00: Q&A. Patrick facilitates
  • 00-16.30: Session 8: Certification and qualifications. RPL and the NQF.

Speaker: Patrick Werquin

  • 30-17.00: Session 9: Panel discussion - Towards the Eswatini RPL Policy.

Question to the panel: a) What are your main recommendations for the RPL Policy document? For example, on scope, principles, communication and guidance, target groups, target sectors and fields of study / qualifications with highest demand for RPL, governance and institutions, involvement of enterprises, capacity development and resources. 5-6 panellists (5 min each).

Chair: EQA

  • 00-17.15: final conclusions. Next steps. Closure.