ACQF 9th Peer Learning Webinar

Cases discussed at this webinar:  African experiences of Quality Assurance in higher education – the cases of CAMES and of the ANAQ-Sup (Senegal). In addition, the Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN) presented the work towards a continental framework for Early childhood education and development.
  • ACQF 9th Peer Learning Webinar
  • 2021-06-30T12:00:00+02:00
  • 2021-06-30T14:30:00+02:00
  • Cases discussed at this webinar:  African experiences of Quality Assurance in higher education – the cases of CAMES and of the ANAQ-Sup (Senegal). In addition, the Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN) presented the work towards a continental framework for Early childhood education and development.
  • When Jun 30, 2021 from 12:00 PM to 02:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg / UTC200)
  • Where Online - Zoom
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Time, heure, hora (GMT)

Theme, theme, tema

Speaker, orateur, orador


Opening and welcome. Ouverture. Abertura



Session 1

Overview of learning and issues discussed at previous PLW

Aperçu des résultats et leçons du 1er wébinaire

Sumário dos resultados e lições do 1º webinário

ACQF project


Session 2

African Quality Assurance experiences – Expériences Africaines en Assurance Qualité – Experiências Africanas de Garantia de Qualidade

  • CAMES – African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education. Goals, programmes, instruments, status of LMD.
  • CAMES – objectifs, programmes, instruments, bilan LMD
  • CAMES - Objetivos, programas, ferramentas, balanço LMD

Prof. Bertrand Mbatchi, Secretary General of CAMES

Secretaire Général du CAMES

Secretário Geral do CAMES


Session 3

African Quality Assurance experiences – Expériences Africaines en Assurance Qualité – Experiências Africanas de Garantia de Qualidade

  • ANAQ-Sup - Senegal: quality assurance in higher education – policy, system, implementation
  • ANAQ-Sup – Sénégal: assurance qualité de l’enseignement supérieur – le système et la mise en œuvre
  • ANAQ-Sup – Senegal: garantia de qualidade do ensino superior – o sistema e a implementação

Prof. Lamine Gueye, Executive Secretary, ANAQ-Sup


African experiences

  • Early childhood education and development – towards a continental framework – role of qualifications
  • Éducation et développement de la petite enfance – vers un cadre continental – place des certifications
  • Educação e desenvolvimento da primeira infância – rumo a um quadro continental – papel das qualificações

Moses Abiero, Africa Early Childhood Network (AfECN)


Discussion, interactive assessment, main conclusions

ACQF Project