ACQF 12th Peer Learning Webinar

1) African experiences and debates: (a) TVET reforms work better with an NQF: case of Mozambique (ANEP); (b) Recognition of degrees and diplomas in higher education: the experience of Cape Verde (ARES); c) African School Curriculum Mapping Study – main findings of the survey (African Curriculum Association, JET Education Services). 2) Micro-credentials: a new opportunity for LLL and NQF – findings of new research in Europe (Cedefop). Debate.
  • ACQF 12th Peer Learning Webinar
  • 2021-10-28T00:00:00+00:00
  • 2021-10-28T14:50:00+00:00
  • 1) African experiences and debates: (a) TVET reforms work better with an NQF: case of Mozambique (ANEP); (b) Recognition of degrees and diplomas in higher education: the experience of Cape Verde (ARES); c) African School Curriculum Mapping Study – main findings of the survey (African Curriculum Association, JET Education Services). 2) Micro-credentials: a new opportunity for LLL and NQF – findings of new research in Europe (Cedefop). Debate.
  • When Oct 28, 2021 from 12:00 AM to 02:50 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Online - Zoom
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

[FR] 1) Expériences et débats africains: a) Les réformes de l’Enseignement et formation technique et professionnel avancent mieux avec un Cadre National de Certifications: cas du Mozambique (ANEP); b) Reconnaissance des diplômes dans l’enseignement supérieur au Cap Vert (ARES) ; c) Étude de cartographie sur les programmes scolaires africains – principales conclusions de l’enquête (African Curriculum Association, CESA Cluster). 2) Micro-certificats : nouvelle opportunité pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie et cadres de certifications – nouvelle recherche en Europe (Cedefop). Débat.

[PT] 1) Experiências e debates africanos: a) As reformas do Ensino técnico-profissional avançam melhor com um Quadro Nacional de Qualificações: caso de Moçambique; b) Reconhecimento de graus e diplomas de ensino superior em Cabo Verde (ARES); c) Estudo de Mapeamento do Currículo Escolar Africano – principais conclusões do inquérito (Associação Curricular Africana, Agrupamento CESA). 2) Micro-credenciais: nova oportunidade para a aprendizagem ao longo da vida e para os quadros de qualificações – nova pesquisa na Europa (Cedefop). Debate.


Agenda / Programme / Programa - ACQF Peer Leaning Webinar nº 12

28/10/2021, 10.00-12.50 GMT






Session 1

Introduction and content overview. New ACQF Website.

Introduction et aperçu des contenus. Nouveau Website de l’ACQF

Introdução e sumário dos conteúdos. Novo Website ACQF.


ACQF coordinator


Session 2

TVET reforms work better with an NQF: case of Mozambique.

Les reformes de l’EFTP avancent mieux avec un Cadre National de Certifications : le cas du Mozambique.

As Reformas do EFTP avançam melhor com um Quadro Nacional de Qualificações: o caso de Moçambique.

Ms. Ida Alvarinho

Director of Qualifications department, ANEP


Session 3

Recognition of degrees and diplomas in higher education - Cape Verde (ARES)

Reconnaissance des diplômes de l’enseignement supérieur - Cap-Vert (ARES)

Reconhecimento de graus e diplomas do ensino superior - caso de Cabo Verde (ARES)





Q&A, Questions, Discussão



Session 4

Micro-credentials: a new opportunity for lifelong learning and qualifications frameworks. New research in Europe (Cedefop)

Micro-certificats : nouvelle opportunité pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Nouvelle recherche en Europe (Cedefop).

Micro-credenciais: nova oportunidade para aprendizagem ao longo da vida e quadros de qualificações. Nova pesquisa na Europa (Cedefop).


Jens Bjornavold



Session 5

School Curriculum mapping study: preliminary results

Étude de cartographie sur les programmes scolaire en Afrique : résultats préliminaires

Estudo de cartografia sobre curriculum escolar em África: resultados preliminares


African Curriculum Association

JET Education Services


Q&A, Questions, Discussão



Session 6

Debate: learning is changing – opportunities and challenges for NQFs. Panel of experts.

Débat: l’éducation et formation en changement – opportunités et défis pour les CNC. Panel d’experts

Debate: a educação e formação em mudança – oportunidades e desafios para os QNQ. Painel de peritos

Facilitator: AUC, ACQF project


Final remarks. Closure