3rd ACQF Forum: RPL for Practitioners

The 3rd continental “Forum of the institutions of National Qualifications Frameworks", is organised in partnership with the African Union, African countries, Regional Economic Communities. This workshop is co-organised with Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA), and will take place in Nairobi, from 1 to 4 October 2024, at the Hotel Fairview. The workshop languages are English, French, and Portuguese. Streaming is available to ensure wider participation.
  • 3rd ACQF Forum: RPL for Practitioners
  • 2024-10-01T06:00:00+00:00
  • 2024-10-04T14:00:00+00:00
  • The 3rd continental “Forum of the institutions of National Qualifications Frameworks", is organised in partnership with the African Union, African countries, Regional Economic Communities. This workshop is co-organised with Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA), and will take place in Nairobi, from 1 to 4 October 2024, at the Hotel Fairview. The workshop languages are English, French, and Portuguese. Streaming is available to ensure wider participation.
  • When Oct 01, 2024 06:00 AM to Oct 04, 2024 02:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Hotel Fairview, Nairobi
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

Objectives of the 3rd ACQF Forum

Main themes explored at the 3rd ACQF Forum (RPL):

  • RPL in the ACQF context
  • RPL in lifelong learning policies
  • Theories underpinning RPL
  • How to do RPL
  • Quality assurance of RPL
  • RPL process, step-by-step.
  • RPL Kenya: policy and practice.
  • ACQF implementation: referencing, QCP, Green Skills initiative, Micro-credentials initiative

Participants: 32 representatives from 20 African countries and 4 economic regions. 20 participants from Kenyan institutions. All participants are RPL practitioners and managers. Certificates of participation will be delivered.

Main sources for learning and information



East Africa Time (GMT+2)

Day 1: Understanding RPL through concepts, practices and benefits

  • Chairpersons: Dr Alice Kande (KNQA), Eduarda Castel-Branco
  • Faciltators team: Eduarda Castel-Branco (ACQF-II coordinator); Patrick Werquin (ACQF-II, RPL specialist), Stanley Maindi (KNQA)


Session 1: Opening.

Speakers: Cabinet Secretary of Ministry of Education; Principal Secretary in charge of TVET, Ministry of Education Kenya. Chief Executive Officer of KNQA. ACQF-II project coordinator.

  • Official opening. Welcome.
  • Objectives of the workshop
  • Brief introduction of the participants
  • Introduction of the facilitators

10.15-10.30: coffee break


Session 2: RPL in the context of ACQF-II.

Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco

  • In the ACQF Policy document and Guidelines
  • In ACQF-II Research
  • In Support to countries
  • RPL – consistently address in all capacity development and knowledge-sharing activities
  • Linkages with developments related to CATS and Micro-credentials


Session 3: RPL in lifelong learning policies

Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Stanley Maindi (KNQA)

  • What is RPL, and why it matters in Africa (R. Muteti)
  • Short overview of RPL in African countries (SM)
  • RPL for Lifelong learning, across sub-systems of education and training (ECB)
  • Linkages RPL-NQF-CATS-Microcredentials (ECB)


Session 4A: Education and Training Theories underpinning RPL

Facilitator: Patrick Werquin

  • Lifelong learning
  • Constructivist Theory
  • Experiential learning theory
  • Situated learning theory
  • Adult learning theory
  • Transformative learning theory
  • Equity and social justice
  • Human capital theory

13.15-14.15: Lunch break. At the restaurant of Fairview Hotel


Session 4B: Implications for RPL of the theoretical underpinnings

Facilitator: Patrick Werquin


Session 5: Interaction, clarifications and resolutions

Facilitator: Stanley Maindi

  • Short information-sharing on RPL policies and new developments from participating countries
  • Questions and answers
  • Exercices in groups : questions for reflection and solutions

16.30-16.45: Wrap-up of day 1. Agenda for day 2

Speakers: Mrs Olfa Laaribi (Tunisia). E. Castel-Branco.

Coffee break

Day 2: Understanding RPL in practice

Chairpersons: E. Castel-Branco and Samson Damptey (Ghana)

09.00-09.30: Welcome. Recap of day 1 - by two participants

Speakers: Mr Earnest Simelane (Eswatini); Ms Dazielle Laporte (Seychelles)


Session 6: How to do RPL – Rules for RPL practitioners

Facilitator: Patrick Werquin

  1. Guidance
  2. Centred on applicant / individual
  3. Fairness of assessment
  4. Equality, inclusiveness, diversity
  5. Accessibility
  6. Flexibility
  7. Assessment centred on outcomes (not on duration of training)
  8. Equal value and non-discrimination of certificates
  9. Transparent decisions of assessors
  10. Alternatives to failed applicants
  11. Post-RPL support (gap training and others)

11.00-11.15: Coffee break


Session 7: Implementation of RPL - Zooming in Quality Assurance and Monitoring and Evaluation of RPL

Facilitators: Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi, Eduarda Castel-Branco,

  • Quality assurance in RPL: transparency, trust and impact (PW)
  • Institutional requirements for quality of RPL (SM)
  • Quality assurance systems and instruments supporting RPL. Overview. Good practice (PW)
  • Importance of data in implementation of RPL (ECB)
  • Monitoring and evaluation in RPL (ECB)
  • Digital tools, database(s) supporting implementation of RPL (SM)

13.00-14.00: Lunch break


Session 8: RPL process - Step-by-step

Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi

  • RPL process: identification-documentation-assessment-certification (and similar typologies) - ECB
  • Initial information and guidance - SM
  • Administrative registration - SM
  • Application, screening and eligibility - PW
  • Preparation of the final assessment - PW
  • Final assessment of learning outcomes - PW
  • Certification of learning outcomes - PW
  • Examples - ECB


Session 8: Interaction and clarifications

Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Stanley Maindi

  • Questions, discussion, exercices in groups

16.45-16.55: Wrap-up. Agenda of day 3

Speakers: Laurent Ndaywel (DR Congo). E. Castel-Branco


Day 3: RPL process in-depth. The RPL experience of Kenya

Chairpersons: E. Castel-Branco and João Dias (Cabo Verde)

09.00-09.30: Welcome. Recap of day 2 - by 2 participants

Speakers: Molise Nhlapo (Lesotho), Antonieta Fernandes (Angola)


Session 9: RPL process. Step: Information, guidance, registration, screening.

Facilitators: Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi (KNQA)

  • Zooming in the steps - Information, guidance, registration, screening. PW
  • Good practice. SM
  • PW - SM


Session 10: RPL process. Step: Assessment

Facilitator: Patrick Werquin, Stanley Maindi (KNQA)

  • Zooming in the steps – Assessment. PW
  • Good practices. SM
  • PW - SM

11.30-11.45: coffee break


Session 11: RPL process. Zooming in the step – Certification. Good practice. Challenges

Facilitator: Patrick Werquin

  • Zooming in the step – Certification. PW
  • Good practice. SM
  • PW - SM


Session 12: Interaction and clarifications

Facilitators: Eduarda Castel-Branco, Stanley Maindi

  • Questions, discussion, proposals for further RPL activities

12.45-13.40: Lunch break

Departure to Kabete National Polytechnic: 13.45h


Session 13: RPL in Kenya

Facilitators: KNQA. Polytechnics. Local institutions

  • RPL Policy and practice
  • New demands and perspectives
  • Linkages with CATS, micro-credentials
  • Good practice from different Polytechnics
  • Success factors for RPL in Kenya
  • Digitalisation of RPL services, data and analytics.
  • Emerging impacts


Session 14: Conclusions. Recommendations on RPL activities.

Facilitators: KNQA; AASU; ACQF-II (Eduarda Castel-Branco)

Coffee break

Day 4: Implementing the ACQF: focus on Referencing, Qualifications and Credentials Platform, country developments. Green skills

Chairpersons: E. Castel-Branco and Albert Sheku (Sierra Leone)


Session 15: Overview of ACQF implementation. Progress, plans. Green skills initiative. Micro-credentials initiative.

Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco



Session 16: Use of Big Data and AI in Green Skills anticipation and qualifications management (online presentation)

Topic 1: Measuring Green Skills and Jobs. A data-driven approach – data from African countries, based on employers’ demand.

Topic 2: Using AI in strategic management and comparison of qualifications.

Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco.

Speaker: Mauro Pelucchi, Data science specialist, Global Data analyst at Lightcast.

10.45-11.00: coffee break



Session 17: Referencing to ACQF. Reports from 5 pilot countries – draft 2. Comparison. Discussion. Pending issues. Conclusions

Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco.

Speakers: ARES (Cabo Verde), KNQA (Kenya) SQA (Seychelles), SAQA (South Africa), ZAQA (Zambia)



Session 18: Referencing to ACQF. Reports from new pilot countries – draft 1. Discussion

Facilitator: Eduarda Castel-Branco

Speakers: EQA (Eswatini); HEC (Lesotho); Zimbabwe. Others: to be confirmed


13.30-14.30: Lunch break



Session 19: ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform – training 3

Facilitators: Team Cognizone Consortium



Session 20: Closing session

Facilitators: KNQA, ACQF-II

  • Final conclusions and recommendations
  • Distribution of participation certificates.
  • Closure

Coffee break

Contact: Eduarda Castel-Branco, ecb@etf.europa.eu