2nd NQF Forum - 2ème Fórum CNC - 2º Fórum QNQ - LUANDA, Angola (5-6 September 2024)

The 2nd NQF Forum addresses 5 themes: innovation of new NQFs; kick-off referencing to ACQF; quality assurance of NQFs; policy instruments for mobility, recognition and portability - RPL, CATS, micro-credentials; greening NQFs; Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP) in progress.
  • When Sep 05, 2024 08:00 AM to Sep 06, 2024 04:00 PM (UTC / UTC0)
  • Where Luanda, Hotel Alvalade
  • Contact Name
  • Add event to calendar iCal

1       Introduction

The National Qualifications Institute of Angola co-organises with the project "African Continental Qualifications Framework" (ACQF-II), the African Union and African countries and Regional Economic Communities the 2nd continental “Forum of the institutions of National Qualifications Frameworks". This workshop will take place in Angola, from 5 to 6 September 2024, at the Hotel Alvalade, Luanda. The workshop languages are English, French, and Portuguese. Streaming is available to ensure wider participation.

1.1      Background

The ACQF-II project was launched in April 2023 to support the implementation of ACQF as a continental policy instrument, contributing to transparency, comparability and recognition of qualifications, collaboration between NQFs, promotion of lifelong learning, and support to Member States in the development of NQFs and related policies. The ACQF-II project supports referencing of National Qualifications Frameworks (NQF) to ACQF; and develops and operationalises innovative tools such as the Qualifications and Credentials Platform (national and continental levels), the RPL campaign, and Skills Data Focus (labour market intelligence tools). The ACQF Website is home to all outputs and updated information on the activities.

This  2nd NQF Forum is part of the programme of training, dialogue and peer-to-peer sharing workshops organised by the ACQF-II project in 2024. This workshop will be followed by two events addressing policies and practices on the following themes: evolving qualification frameworks; referencing between NQFs and ACQF; recognition of prior learning (RPL); credit accumulation and transfer systems; micro-credentials; greening of qualifications and NQFs; common occupational profiles; governance of qualifications in a changing world; the ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP); the Network of NQFs Africa.

Programme of workshops in the period September to November 2024 – indicative dates:



Hosting city


RPL for Practitioners – Training week. QCP. Referencing

Nairobi - Kenya


Micro-credentials for employability and lifelong learning. Training workshop. QCP. Referencing.

Victoria – Seychelles


1.2      Recommendations of the 1st NQF Forum

The 1st NQF Forum took place in Kinshasa (18-20 June 2024) and recommended:

  1. Support and boost the development and implementation of National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) – inclusive and comprehensive, future-proof, adaptable to the demands of digital and green transformation, supporting employability, social inclusion and lifelong learning, and supported by evidence.
  2. Support the connection and mutual trust between qualifications frameworks at the 3 levels (national-regional and continental): through referencing, the ACQF platform of qualifications, innovations, the VAE campaign, and sharing of good practices. Support the establishment of the African Network of Qualifications Frameworks, to ensure the sustainability of the achievements of the ACQF-II project.
  3. Create synergies and complementarities between the ACQF and the Addis and Global Recognition Conventions – with common objectives and practical actions.
  4. Harness the innovative power of the green and digital transformation of jobs and skills. Joint policies and practices to develop green and digital skills: national, sectoral and specific (education and training, qualifications, innovation, academic research and links with industry). Ensure an active role of CNCs, Regional Qualifications Frameworks and ACQFs as catalysts.
  5. An urgent call to action: explore, develop and implement micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability linked to National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs).
  6. Implement data systems and tools: interoperable databases on qualifications at all levels and sub-sectors; implementation of RPL; Real-time data and analysis on skills demand. Learners' achievements.
  7. Share experiences and best practices through sharing platforms: technical guidelines and documentation, qualifications standards and other achievements of interest for the success and impact of the NQF, RQF and ACQF.
  8. Strengthen the capacities of institutions, human resources and stakeholders.

1.3      Context

Considering the African Continental Education Strategy (CESA-25), in particular its Goals 4c), 4d) which call on Member States to: 4c) "Establish National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) and Regional Qualifications Frameworks (RQFs) to facilitate the creation of multiple pathways for the acquisition of skills and competencies as well as mobility between sub-sectors; and 4d) "Develop a continental qualifications framework linked to regional qualifications frameworks as well as national qualifications frameworks in order to facilitate regional integration and graduate mobility".

Led by the ACQF Policy Paper that was validated by the Member States of the African Union in July 2023 and the primary role it gives to capacity building, networking, advocacy and communication;

Supported by the project "Implementation of the African Continental Qualifications Framework", supported by the African Union, the European Union and ETF in the period 2023-2026;

Noting the imperative of lifelong learning, mobility of skills and qualifications, and improved employability, which NQFs need to support and strengthen

Recalling the importance of education, training and skills for the success of the green and digital transformation, for sustainable, inclusive and equitable growth, and for the beneficial use of new forms of Artificial Intelligence;

Noting the need for innovation in education and training systems (all levels) to strengthen their response to labour market and societal demands, and to adopt new approaches to skills development and recognition, such as micro-credentials and validation of non-formal and informal learning;

Guided by the context of African integration strategies, in particular Agenda 2063 and its Implementation Plan for the first ten years 2023, CESA-25, the African Continental Free Trade Area, as well as the seventeen recommendations made by the TVET Round Table on 10-14 November 2023.

Inspired by the priorities set by the African Union for the year 2024 dedicated to the theme "Educating an Africa fit for the twenty-first century – building resilient education systems, for increased access to inclusive, qualitative, lifelong learning, and relevant to Africa".

2       Objectives of the NQF Forum

Main themes explored at the 2nd NQF Forum:

  • Referencing to ACQF - kick-off the pilot phase of referencing
  • Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): training on main themes - explore the functionalities of the national qualifications database; prepare qualifications for the database;
  • New generation National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs): innovative features, aspirations and instruments
  • Quality assurance for mutual trust Policies and tools for lifelong learning related to the NQF: RPL; CATS; micro-credentials
  • Green NQFs, green ACQF: orientations and next steps

The 2nd NQF Forum builds on the recommendations of the 1st Forum (Kinshasa, 18-20 June 2024).


1       Agenda of the Forum

Venue: Hotel Alvalade, Luanda


Local time

Themes to be addressed

Speakers - countries, facilitation

5 September




Departure from Hotel

Opening. Welcome, official speeches.

Introduction of participants.

Objectives of the Forum

Chair: Republic of Angola

-        ACQF-II

-        Delegation of the European Union (Angola)

-        Director INQ

-        Minister - MAPTSS



Coffee break

Return to Hotel

At the Premises of MAPTSS


Theme 1



1.   National Qualifications Frameworks – learning from the current evolutions.

a)   National Qualifications Frameworks of new generation: what’s new?

b)   NQFs in reform and transformation: what directions, issues,

Chairs: South Africa, Eswatini

Presentations and speakers:

-        ACQF-II

-        Guinea-Bissau – INAFOR Paulo Costa

-        Sierra Leone – NCTVA, O. Olowu

-        Seychelles, CEO SQA – Ms Fiona Ernesta


Theme 2

2.   Referencing to ACQF: pilot phase. Self-assessment. Debate in groups. Roadmap for referencing teams.

Pilot countries: Cabo Verde, Kenya, Seychelles, South Africa, Zambia

Facilitation: ACQF-II coordinator, Eduarda Castel-Branco

Working groups with countries’ representatives: Angola, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, DR Congo, Eswatini, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mozambique, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia. Other countries welcome.


Lunch break

Restaurant at Hotel Alvalade




Theme 3



Theme 4


Theme 5




3.   Quality Assurance: supporting the transformation of NQFs and enhancing mutual trust in qualifications and systems


4.   Green and digital skills – Green and digital NQFs


5.   Micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability. The new ACQF-II package. Presentation. Discussion

Chairs: D.R. Congo (MFP), Cameroon


3. Presentations and speakers:

-        Cabo Verde, Ghana, Senegal, Zambia


4. Presentations and speakers:

-        ACQF-II, W. Mtisi (Zimbabwe), L. Ndaywel (RD Congo)

5. Presentations and speakers:

-        ACQF-II; Seychelles

17.15 – 18.00

Coffee Break and end of day 1

Hotel Alvalade


6 September

Local time





Theme 6



Theme 7



Theme 8



6.    Experiences from Europe: the case of Portugal. Governance (ANQEP); NQF; National Qualifications Catalogue, Recognition of Prior Learning; new themes and innovation.


Short coffee break


7.   ACQF Qualifications and Credentials Platform (QCP): training session 2. Presentation of the Mock-up for database at national level. Questions and answers


8.   ACQF Updates: Country cooperation plans; RPL Campaign; Common Profiles of qualifications

Chairs: Mozambique, Angola

6. Presentation and speaker: Ms Teresa Duarte, ANQEP.

Questions and answers



7. Presentation and speakers: Team Cognizone, Knowledge & Innovation Centre, PPMI



8. Presentation and speaker: ACQF-II



Lunch break





Theme 9



Theme 10





9.    Credit Accumulation and Transfer Systems. Supporting mobility and lifelong learning. Linkages to NQF, RPL, Policies, guidelines, practices


10.  Recognition of Prior Learning: indispensable pillar of the NQF for social inclusion, employability, growth.


Conclusions, recommendations.


Chairs: Lesotho, Somalia


9.Presentations and speakers

-        James Mwewa; Kenya, KNQA; Mauritius (HEC), Seychelles, SQA


10.Presentations and speakers: ACQF-II. Cases: Cabo Verde, Eswatini and Mozambique. Debate.

Closing Presentation and speakers: ACQF-II, South Africa, Angola (INQ, MAPTSS).

17.15-18.00 Coffee break Restaurant


Contact: Ms Eduarda Castel-Branco, ACQF-II Project Coordinator. ecb@etf.europa.eu