
Country Code:
Stage of development and implementation
Development and consultation
Brief Overview:

Mozambique has two operational but separate sectoral Qualifications Frameworks (TVET and Higher Education). In 2021 the government reactivated development of the comprehensive and inclusive 10-level NQF, encompassing 3 sub-frameworks: general education, TVET and Higher Education. This Snapshot is focused on the new comprehensive NQF. The legal act (decree) establishing the regulation of the comprehensive NQF is in the final stage of consultation for approval (end 2021).

Level General Education TVET / Crafts Higher Education
10 Doctorate
9 Vocational certificate 9; Specialist Professional Master Academic master
8 Vocational certificate 8; professional licenciatura Post-graduation diploma
Licenciatura > 4 years, with professional practice
7 Vocational certificate 7 Academic licenciatura
Professional licenciatura
Teacher training TVET
6 Vocational certificate 6
Teacher trainining for basic education
Professional upskilling
5 Secondary education - 12th class Vocational certificate 5
4 Vocational certificate 4
3 Vocational certificate 3
2 First cycle secondary education - 9th class Vocational certificate 2
1 Primary education - 6th class Vocational certificate 1
Level Descriptors
Level Knowledge Skills Autonomy and responsibility
10 He/She is capable of promoting in an original manner academic and/or professional context, technological progress, academic work, scientific, social or cultural research. He/She is capable of designing, projecting, adapting and conducting scientific research respecting the requirements imposed by academic quality and integrity standards to solve critical problems in the area of specialisation and/or in various fields. He/she has full responsibility in all advanced and/or professional scientific research work.
9 He/She has a wide range of knowledge with depth in his/her area of expertise and substantial in some areas. He/She applies knowledge in new situations, demonstrating independent thinking as well as problem-solving capacity and critical evaluation of research work findings. He/She demonstrates autonomy, creativity and originality in the management of the work results of the group and individual in non-family and complex situations.
8 He/She knows how to critically discern the principles, theories, methodologies of investigation and the current literature of the discipline. He/She collects, selects and interprets relevant information, particularly in his/her area of training, to base the solutions he/she advocates and the judgements he/she issues, including the analysis of social, scientific and ethical aspects. He/She supervises and performs tasks under his/her responsibility and others of a similar nature and complexity that are determined for him/her by a superior.
7 He/She has knowledge of a recognised discipline and mastery of ideas, principles, concepts and methods of technical-scientific research in problem-solving. He/She demonstrates capacity for independent reasoning and effective communication in solving concrete problems. He/She designs and manages processes and works. Sets goals and ensures its achievement at individual and group level.
6 He/She has theoretical knowledge in a specific area of work and ability to understand, analyse and synthesise information in a varied context. He/She applies theoretical, practical knowledge and skills in specific and varied contexts. He/She ensures the management and supervision of processes with responsibility in study and work contexts. Reviews the performance of your work and others.
5 He/She demonstrates a level of theoretical and technical knowledge that includes an abstract technical understanding. Provides technical advice for solving problems in routine and non-routine situations. Presents some evidence that knowledge of his/her own area of work is being applied in a limited set of new context activities. He/She uses, in new environments and activities, a wide and well developed range of skills, which can be considered an extension of learning and prior training. The tasks are incrementally based on the application of a wide set of methods and procedures in routine and non-routine activities. He/She assumes responsibility for its own results in learning and work situations characterised by an increasing degree of non-structuring. Ensures the management of other people in teamwork or group work. Operates independently where intermediate-level (and non-critical) decisions or initiatives are required.
4 He/She demonstrates a relevant level of theoretical and technical knowledge. Balances theoretical, abstract and/or technical and factual understanding in a work or study area. Carries out problem-solving activities in essentially routine situations. He/She demonstrates a number of skills in predictable situations and in some new situations, related to the area of training and/or work. Tasks include a large number of activities involving both routine methods and procedures, as well as some non-routine ones. Tasks include a certain degree of discernment and judgement in the selection of appropriate equipment or methods. He/she demonstrates a number of skills in predictable situations and in some new situations, related to the area of training and/or work. Tasks include a large number of activities involving both routine methods and procedures, as well as some non-routine ones. Tasks include a certain degree of discernment and judgement in the selection of appropriate equipment or methods.
3 He/She demonstrates a limited level of relevant theoretical and technical knowledge. Knowledge is essentially concrete or factual and limited to the area of training, with an understanding of certain theoretical and technical elements. He/She interprets information literally, making use of a limited capacity for discernment and judgement. Demonstrates knowledge of processes, materials and basic terminology. He/She applies a small, but well developed, skill set in configured situations to his/her training area. He/She evidences some transfer of knowledge and skills to new contexts and activities, with minimal support. The tasks involve the application of a certain discernment and judgement in the selection of equipment and methods. Provides technical advice to solve specific problems in known routines. He/She takes responsibility for his/her own results in structured work and learning situations. Assumes limited responsibilities by others in small teams or group work. He/She works independently when simple decisions or initiatives are required. He/She requires support, direction and supervision in unknown situations
2 He/she has scarce or limited understanding of basic reading, writing and calculation concepts/skills. He/She requires a high degree of support in activities that require the use of written communication or calculation skills. Demonstrates basic operational knowledge and applies it to a limited set of activities. He/She demonstrates performance of pre-vocational skills in a specific occupational area at an early stage. Performs simple work processes with support and applies a limited set of skills in predictable situations. He/She demonstrates the ability to perform some independent tasks on certain structured opportunities with intermediate levels of support, direction and supervision. Contributes to the work and results of group and team as a participant, without taking great responsibility for the results of the team.
1 He/she has scarce or limited understanding of basic reading, writing and calculation concepts/skills. He/She requires a high degree of support in activities that require the use of written communication or calculation skills. Demonstrates basic operational knowledge and applies it to a limited set of activities. He/She applies known solutions to a limited set of predictable problems. Demonstrates basic operational skills and applies them to a limited and defined set of activities. Tasks include a limited set of activities, mainly involving routines and known functions. He/She requires a high level of support, direction and supervision. Demonstrates limited responsibility for your work and quality of results, including team results. The tasks he/she carries out involve decision-making and actions of limited complexity.